New Artist in Residence


Pixie is a Canadian contemporary artist living and working in Toronto. She lived in England for 30 years, where she also had a studio. A graduate of the Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD), Pixie has received numerous Ontario Arts Council awards and an Ontario Society of Arts award. While at OCAD, Pixie apprenticed to British sculptor Lynn Chadwick. Later, she was Artist-in-Residence at the Helen Frankenthaler Printmaking Studio in the USA and worked with master printmaker Anthony Kirk. As a member of OCAD’s Fine Arts faculty for twelve years, she both taught and served in key administrative roles. The careful, disciplined attention to scale, form and light so striking in all of Pixie’s work, especially her sculptures and photographs, is also evident in her fascination with fortuitously found objects. Her work has been exhibited both domestically and internationally, including the Royal Academy of Art, Canada House (London, UK), Harbourfront Centre Art Gallery, The Royal Canadian Academy, Hart House-University of Toronto, Queen’s University, as well as galleries in Vancouver, Ottawa, Toronto, North Bay and Sault St Marie, Ontario, Her many commissions, primarily outdoor sculptures for both private and institutional settings, include the London School of Economics, the OdeRe Sculpture Park in Windsor, Ontario, and several corpora2ons. Her work has been featured in the June, 2016 issue of Architectural Digest. Pixie has also served as an advisor to the art selection commissions of the Vero Beach Museum of Art and Canada House (London, UK). 

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